September 29, 2009

truth be told tuesday

i dont know if you know this, but i can see when you visit this blog… is that creepy?

actually, i can’t. so it’s not creepy, don’t fret.

but, i can see the number of people who visit, and what general area they live in (tampa, fl… los angeles, ca… rochester, new hampshire… pineville, north carolina…) and hence i can see that some days lots of people stop by only to find there is nothing new and this makes me sad. or maybe it makes me stressed… or maybe it’s both.

anyways, point is, ideally, if i had the time and the content, i’d write something every day. then at least every trip would be worth the keystrokes, right? but really, most days, i get up, eat a bowl of cereal, go to work, work, eat lunch at my desk, work some more, come home, have dinner, watch tv, walk the dogs, shower and go to bed. seriously, that was an accurate play-by-play of 60% of my days.

so some days, even if i have the time to write, i have nothing to say about my day.

however, on someone’s blog i saw where they posted once a week about something totally random, off subject, and pointless, and yet, i liked it. or at least i read it. not that i can remember who’s blog it was… i can’t find it for the life of me… maybe that is a sign. hummm

they also had a witty name for these posts, which i also can’t remember, so we’ll just call it “truth be told tuesdays”. if you find this completely inane, you can just look at the title of such posts, know beforehand they are going to be completely useless, and then go on with your life without wasting any time. but if you have nothing better to do, you can read fun and random (or at least, random) facts about marissa, micahel, meeka, and mckinley (yes, i just refered to myself in 3rd person, sorry).

personally, i really like random facts and to start you off here are five random facts about none of us at all, but rather random facts i’ve amassed about our friends and family that i really like: (the point being to show you that random facts about someone have a purpose… kinda…)

  • not only does my friend blair hate creamy peanut butter, but has life issues with anyone who finds it preferable to chunky. i’m impressed she has tolerated me as a friend as i am a creamy pb-er, but she would not/could not marry someone who doesn’t prefer chunky to all else.
  • my friend netta, met her husband sheen when they were very, very young. one of their earliest shared experiences was in a kindergarten performance (or perhaps it was even preschool?) of the three little pigs, in which netta played the part of the smartest little pig, and sheen was the man who sold her the bricks to make her smart-little-pig-brick-house. i cannot even tell you how perfect this is.
  • my friend whitney has flat feet. no arches to be found. other people try to say they have flat feet, and i say no you dont, whitney does. if she is there, she will say the same. if they try to contest this fact, she simply slips off her shoe and it is decided, they do not, she does, no further discussion.
  • michael’s sister melissa was so hot throughout her entire pregnancy with baby madison that she kept their house freezing cold the whole time (and michael’s family grew up in freezing cold houses – at least in my opinion – so this was beyond that). nine months later, they had a baby girl, and their dog hayley (a britney spaniel) had a thick, winter coat. she hadn’t grown a proper one since moving back to florida from chicago.
  • i have an aunt who works as a sign language interpreter. she and my uncle have one child (and by ‘child’ I mean, she used to be a child, but now she’s about to turn 18 years old next week!!) named shandra who happened to be born hard of hearing. I mean really what are the odds?
  • oh okay, lets make it 6 facts… my maternal grandfather (abuelo) gave my grandmother (abuela) a small anniversary gift every single month on the date they were married, 12 months a year, for years and years and years and years. for as many years as they were married (which i’d tell you if i knew how many that was, but i dont — maybe my mom will write it in the comments section).

happy first weekly “truth be told tuesday”!!

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