February 9, 2010


after pucon – after the volcano and the all day up and down bike ride – michael and i needed a serious vacation from our own vacation.  we found just such a rest in ritoque, chile. 
i talked about ritoque a few weeks ago on the blog here.  
it was a very, very quaint place with not much of anything to do except be on the beach, which was just what we were happy to do.
there is just one hostal in ritoque (hostal raices) which is made up of three different cabins.  we were in one bedroom of this two bedroom one:
the view from the window
and a view of the entire town in one picture
there were two restaurants in ritoque, but only one was considered acceptable.
the other was large, and new, and clearly unwelcomed by the locals (the big yellow building on the beach see above).
the loved restaurant is seen here on the bottom right;
i guess its name is “ritoque”  — but was just referred to as “the restaurant”.
in the moring we could walk the beach without seeing another person, except for a few men fishing and some surfers in the distance.
the sand was made into this pattern each night by the waves.
our footsteps
this is chica, the hostal owner´s puppy.  she roamed the beach all day and hung out inside the restaurant with us at night.

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  1. Sunshine says:

    i'll fight you for the puppy Erica!! 😉


over on the gram....