i am in love.
lately, very much to michael’s dismay, i’m becoming more and more disdainful of crap food and more and more tied to eating whole foods and organic foods when we can. this is not to say low fat or even “healthy” – at least not in the american meaning of the word. but it means we (and by “we” and mean me by choice and michael by proximity) are trying to eat more real food. less chemicals, less processing, less hydroglocatclhoramidicin.
i dont know if there’s entirely one reason for the shift. it’s partly in just the way my family treats food (we just didn’t grow up eating tub margarine or butter that you can spray on like sunscreen), partly from traipsing around europe for two months a couple years ago, partly from the general slow food movement going on around us, partly from living in califonia and frequenting farmers markets, and partly from loving on trader joes (where we can buy organic without having to sell an organ), and partly because i read in defense of food. oh, and maybe partly because real butter is delicious and who can argue that ice cream should consist of milk, sugar, cream, egg yolk, and coffee beans? 🙂
anyways, that was all just way too much side information when really the whole point of this is just to brag about our csa box. csa boxes are boxes of love.
step one: you register with a local farm (here in LA there are lots of choices. to those in tampa reading this, please start a farm so i can buy csa boxes from you one day. please. thank you.).
step two: each week the farm puts together a selection of their freshest, most ripe, most ready to eat, in season foods.
step three: go pick up your bounty.
our box is from the south central farmer’s coroporative community supported agricultre (quite a mouthful) and they have pickup locations allll around los angeles, so there is a very convenient pickup spot right in culver city very near our apartment! you tell them where you’ll be picking up your box and they’ll have it waiting for you on the specified pick up day.
so, without further ado, here is this week’s scfcsa csa box:
in case you can’t tell, that is a very big, very full box of food!
i even put it on the scale to justify my claim and it clocked in at 35 pounds!
oh, also, this entire box cost $15. for all organic, all locally grown, and all packaged up and ready and waiting for us. seriously. now, if you are a richer brand of folk you pay more, but if you be po’ like us, you pay $15. and we didn’t even have to show them our empty pockets… they can just look at us and tell we don’t gots no monies.
lots of squash.
including this, which i think is a squash…? anyone want to confirm?
and while, you’re at it, anyone know what this is?
it looks like blinky, inky, or sue.
if you know what i mean… (hint: pacman).
we also have purple greenbeans.
be very jealous.
and i made friends with these right away.
Hi, saw your box of vegy’s. Do you still order veggies from CSA? If so, are you still happy with it? The photos look great! And so does the food.