September 6, 2012

caroline, 8 months | south tampa baby and family photography

sweet caroline
south tampa baby photographer and family photographer university of tampa 01b

we seem to be in a pattern here… after having photographed her “newborn” images at one month old, thanks to the crazy summer rains here this year, caroline’s six months shoot became a 7 month shoot, and then, ultimately, an eight month shoot!
south tampa baby photographer and family photographer university of tampa 02b

south tampa baby photographer and family photographer university of tampa 02

south tampa baby photographer and family photographer university of tampa 03

south tampa baby photographer and family photographer university of tampa 01

south tampa baby photographer and family photographer university of tampa 04

south tampa baby photographer and family photographer university of tampa 05

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  1. Cristina says:

    I love these photos of Caroline. She looks like a living doll, literally!


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