sorry it’s been slow over here in blogland lately. for a few different reasons, i’m trying something a little different with portrait clients and not blogging/facebooking sessions until after their order is placed. this way i can do my final edits on just the images they buy (time saver!), and i’ll know which images are the clients’ favorites and blog those, rather than just showing my favorites! however, this means there’s this lag now between those sessions proofed this week and their blog posts. if that makes sense….
i just had to pop in to blog this link! an online SLR camera simulator.
people email me from time to time asking advise on how to learn their camera. i typically just say go buy and read understanding exposure from cover to cover. i still think that’s best (and it’s filled with more pictures than words so you can go through it, probably, in one sitting!). but, i just saw this link and think its pretty nifty. it’s at least a nice way to see if you are understanding the concepts. of course just practicing with your real camera would be best. : )
speaking of neat, holy moley: paper art!
in other news, michael has been out of town a ton the last few weeks. one of the consequences of this is not having him home to help unload groceries. ugh.
i went on a mini grocery shopping trip last week and bought a rotiserie chicken, among other things. since i was on my own to unload the car, i had to do it in two trips. i carried in the first load and set the bags on the kitchen floor. the only thing i bought that the dogs would be remotely interested in was the chicken so i just planned to bring that in with the second load. i went down to the car to get the remaining bags and realized…. “no chicken!” i had accidently taken it in with the first load of groceries without realizing it (or smelling it, i guess). eeek. i ran upstairs to the kitchen to find meeka gorging herself as fast as she possibly could (as she darn well knew that chicken was not placed on the floor for her!). bummer.
and she only seemed barely remorseful when i scolded her and i’m pretty sure she felt it was totally, totally, deliciously worth it.
and lastly, i went crazy on pinterest yesteday. i’m not very consistent with it, i just seem to go on in spurts. but yesterday was a very big spurt, and i even pinned a lot of my own images! if you’re on pinterest, you can find me here!
Hahaha, ohhh, Meeka! I’m in awe of some of that paper art!