she has a conference going on right now (monday – wednesday) in las vegas so she came out early and spent friday through sunday with us before heading to the strip (and the 108 degree heat)!
we had a hodge podge weekend which included finding bridesmaids dresses (whitney gets married in march!), a girls movie night out, trolling around venice beach, and lots of good meals.
after eating out all weekend we cooked in for her parting meal with us last night.
we decided on homemade pizzas and salad.
here i am happily starting to make michael’s pizza.
(i show this because this is SO typical of cooking at our place! i start doing something, michael peers over my shoulder and within a minute he has taken over.)
so, here is michael taking over the construction of his pizza
his finished product – peperoni and sauteed onion pizza:
whitney starting on the girls’ pizza (eggplant, sauteed onion, and goat cheese)
dinner was rounded out with a yummy simple salad:
after dinner we played a couple games of bananagrams.
score… marissa = 1 , whitney = 1 , michael = 0
wondering why michael didn’t take a round?
well he puts together stuff like this board:
when we asked him what “J-I” spells, he said, “jiu-jitsu!”
huh??? i dunno…
anyways, after the games we were ready for dessert so we cracked the whip and made our guest get to work in the kitchen. and we are glad we did because she came out with this:
roasted peaches with vanilla ice cream and an pecan/brownsugar/caramel topping!
yes, please!
some play time with the dogs and the day was done 🙂
hope you had a good trip whit!
see you in OCTOBER!
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