January 7, 2012

welcome delaney!

our second niece, delaney, was born back on october 19th! in the spirit of trying to get caught up on blogging, here she is on her birthday!

we got our first look at delaney from the waiting room when her dad, joey, sent a picture text.  here is madison getting a look at her brand new baby sister for the first time.
tampa birth photographer 01

and then she was all smiles getting to see her in the flesh a few minutes later (with some help from her “papa”):
tampa birth photographer 03

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tampa birth photographer 07'

with dad and mom:
tampa birth photographer 04

with (grandma) lulu:
tampa birth photographer 05

tampa birth photographer 02

you can see delaney’s newborn session,  8 days later,  here.

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  1. […] days after out newest neice, delaney, was born, i took her newborn portraits, and just one day after that, we did a family holiday session with […]


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