well, my dad really did. he really rented my room out.
he rented it out to a 35-ish year-old construction worker named jerry.
also, when jerry had been living in my room for over a year i happened to be home from college on a weekend and i walked past my room and the door was open and i was somewhat surprised to see the room exactly, exactly as i had left it (my floral crewel bed spread, my curtains, my sponge painted mustard yellow walls… nothing was different. except the harry man that now slept in my bed.) but the really weird thing was that even the framed picture on my bedside table had not been changed or moved. and what was this picture? it was a framed 8×10 of michael and me on one of his family ski trips. you know the kind:
that is what jerry had woken up to every day for over a year and hadn’t moved it! really, really strange.
i slipped in and removed it form from my room immediately… or removed it from jerry’s room(?)… or removed it from the room i shared with jerry (?)… no, no that one is definitely not right… i just don’t really know whose room it was by that time…
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