November 30, 2009

too much to do

we have so, so, soooo much left to do before we leave, this FRIDAY.
we wrote out our entire to do list yesterday and then broke everything down into individual to do lists for our remaining days left.  so today we just need to concentrate on monday’s to do list, which is much more manageable than looking at the entire list, but still completely too long.
and also, as we mark one item off it seems to spawn two more to add.
monday’s list:
  • burn pictures to cd for carlyna and janna
  • call COBRA to confirm coverage will kick-in
  • refill prescriptions
  • set up car insurance in tampa
  • cancel los angeles car insurance
  • schedule appointment to renew registration
  • michael to finish 1/2 of of his classwork that is remaining
  • finish trip itinerary
  • cancel all los angeles utilities
  • call bank to let them know we’ll be traveling
  • change bank billing address
  • send bill information to parents 
the majority of these things look like they’d take 10 minutes and one phone call… but of course they end up taking 4 phone calls and are never ending.
on a happier note, the gators beat the seminoles!
not that anyone was surprised, but it’s still always fun.
also, it meant my brothers had to hold up their end of the bet they had going with michael and wore gator shirts to our family sunday lunch.  note they also (conveniently) wore jackets, which they didn’t take off the entire time, and only unzipped them long enough for me to take these pictures.
zane refused to smile.  he thought he was making a serious face here:
(also, just ignore the quality of these photos.  i took them with my little point and shoot and didn’t realize it was still set for the lowest, poorest quality setting from when we were taking pictures of our furniture to sell on craig’s list. oops.)
carson refused to even look at the camera at all.

also, did you notice carson coordinated his lunch with his orange gator shirt?
and no, it wasn’t just because we were only served orange food for lunch.

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