August 10, 2010

today’s news…

last night as we cleaned up the kitchen from the cake explosion that occurred while making the boys’ birthday cakes, we got a little lazy and when we changed the kitchen trash bag we didn’t take the full one out to the dumpster.  instead, we just left it in the corner of the kitchen to be taken out in the morning.

well, what do you know… michael woke up in the middle of the night to rustling in the kitchen to find our two angel dogs had ripped a hole in the bag and were munching on unidentified trash.  awesome.  michael took the bag away from them and shoo’d them off to bed.

then, this morning, in the light of day, we found we had a blue faced beagle.  i guess meeka had taken a fancy to the blue colored fondant icing she found and had dyed her face blue!  luckily it came off really easily with just water and scrubbing, but unluckily i didn’t take a picture first! 🙁

in other news… i have an engagement session scheduled for this evening at 7pm (hopefully) on the beach!  fingers crossed that the weather will hold up!

buuuut it’s looking a little dicey…

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