on our first day of our visit home to tampa i left tampa to head to riverview.
why? because kayla said so.
kayla’s birthday had been the week before and she said all she wanted was for her girls to gather at blair’s house (which happens to have a giant 15′ deep pool with a spring divingboard) and she wanted to tie-dye.
and so it was to be.
i came from tampa (or from LA, depending on how you think about it)
blair stayed put (but note: this was also a visit home for blair, as she also lives in LA)
netta came from st. pete
priya came from naples
brittany came from jupiter
and kayla, the birthday girl, came from orlando
it was quite a comming together from near and far.
we spent the day playing in (or by) the pool and spent the night tie-dying!
here is brittany:
this picture is blurry because it was so humid that when we went outside my camera lens fogged and took a minute or two to adjust!
and here i am. very serious, and trying (for the 4th time) to get on a raft that, i could swear, was buttered:
after our pool time, it was ice cream cake time:
(okay, maybe it was ice cream cake time both before and after pool time)
and finally, we got to the main event, the tie-dying!
lots of colorful pictures to follow:
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