May 2, 2010

the graduates

this weekend we traveled four hours north, to tallahassee, to see my brothers, carson and zane, graduate from florida state university!

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i couldn’t believe they were graduating, just like every year on their birthday, i’m always surprised by how old they are turning.  it’s weird these things surprise me though.  it’s not like finding out a child i used to babysit is now in high school, or seeing the little brother of a friend who i still picture to be 3 feet tall, but now actually towers over most.  these are my own brothers, people i see all the time, and who i know to be almost exactly two years younger than me.  so, i think it’s weird their milestones are surprising to me.  but my own are just as much of a shock…

how did it happen that this is the year that all of those that were freshman in college while i was a senior, are now seniors themselves? i feel like i just graduated from college 12 months ago… and that i just left high school 12 months before that.

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our proud parents:
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can you spot carson and zane?
(hint: they didn’t like their caps)
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i passed away the two hour ceremony with three back issues of people magazine (i’m still catching up on the american pop culture we missed during our three months south of the equator) … which may seem inappropriate, but this guy brought some leisure reading too, and he was on the clock!
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  1. Davian says:

    As usual amazing pictures. I’m with you I can’t believe that they graduated.

  2. s h e r r y says:

    Haha. Time does fly! I’ll finally be graduating this June, YES! I love the man reading a magazine in the last one. Haha. Clearly he’s been to way too many graduations in his career.


over on the gram....