September 24, 2009

studying = nap time

and i hate naps.

ncidq studying is in high gear; the test is next week, friday, 8-5 and saturday, 8-5:30!!

my biggest obstacle in studying has been how completely boring the content is and sometimes this happens:

in fact, that happens a lot.

michael has banished me from studying in bed now since it results in him having to come wake me up every ½ hour.

speaking of michael, he works at a sporting goods store and tonight they’re doing inventory which means all of the managers have to work 12 hour shifts. his shift today began at noon and he will be getting off at midnight. so maybe I should stop complaining about the studying??

at least for today…

today is his day to complain.

anyway, this weekend, besides the all studying that will be going on, I need to go get all my supplies for the test.

you ask, “you mean all those supplies you used to own? like drafting templates, drafting pens, drafting dots…? the ones you sold gleefully to the underclassmen when you gradated from college because you were going into the modern workforce and no one actually uses such things???”

yes, all those things. ncidq hasn’t caught up with the times…

which means I need to pilfer what I can from my office and then go buy a handful of stuff I will use saturday and then never again (fingers crossed), but this time I wont have any underclass kids on which to pawn them off. it’s a bummer. but not nearly as much of a bummer as thinking about the very real possibility i may not pass this test I had to pay $1000 to take…


gotta go study more.

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