today has been very full and very tiring.
i definitely have yet to make up the hour we lost on in the time change. i’ve been so tired ever since.
as soon as i post this it is off to shower, then into bed with a book on flash photography, and then to sleep when i can’t keep my eyes open any more – which will probably come very quickly.
things have been so crazy. i feel like my chest has been tight for the past week with the weight of everything that needs to be done and wishing it were all done yesterday. in addition to my regular tuesday and thursday nanny days with my niece, this week i signed on to help out a friend of michael’s sister who had a baby sitting emergency and needed help all day today, wednesday, and friday. so, this week, i am officially a full-time babysitter. which would be great (and still is great since nothing in life is free, and free is all we can afford right now) but definitely makes it hard to cross all the other photography business things off my big, long to do list.
but after babysitting from 8-5 today i was still able to spend an hour at tmobile doubling my phone bill with the addition of a separate business line and a big girl phone (a blackberry) with internet! i seriously have no idea how to use such a phone. it is a giant leap from my little blue flip phone and will take a while to learn.
i also am just a day away from ordering my business cards (which had been stalled since i didn’t have a work phone number yet) and gift cards are coming shortly after!
also, as of today (below) my new branding is going to start creeping into the blog! this afternoon i also got prints ordered to display at an auction i’m donating to for fest italiana which looks fun.
if only i could pour this photography lighting book into my head rather than having to actually find the time to read it i would have given my productivity an A+ today. but, i still have too much left to receive such a score. also, my website is still down, which is major negative points!!!
let’s end on happy pictures from our strawberry shortcake outing yesterday for my friend blair’s 25th (not 24th! like i thought… even though we are the same age… which alludes to the fact that i thought i too would be turning 24 in june. eeeek) birthday!
…the long line at the parksdale farm market on sunday – all for strawberry shortcake (or some variation of)!
worth the wait
the birthday girl in the strawberry wonderland eating area (the garden of eatin’) and her red balloon
michael and me
netta, deciding that now is the time to start to like strawberries… or at least try
our bowls after we had finished eating… i’ll let you guess which is michael’s and which is mine
the royal birthday queen
netta, blair, me, kayla
the guys (michael and netta’s husband sheen) very, very reluctantly posing for a picture. (and i’m not sure sheen believed me when i said this would end up on the internet)
and, as if we hadn’t had enough strawberry by the end of this outting, we went home with a half flat more!
Don't be stressed, you'll get there! Blair's queen pic is awesomeness…