spring cleaning

even though it’s blazing hot, and it’s hard to say it’s anything but summertime, it is still technically spring so i’m placing my car clean-out under the “spring cleaning” category.

so here’s the confession: my car had not been cleaned (inside nor out) since we lived in los angeles!  so, my car was a rolling petri dish of dirt and dust and debris from coast to coast!

i finally sucked it up and spent a half hour at a do-it yourself car wash place (a lifestyle difference between michael and me: i hate to pay someone to wash my car and he thinks it’s crazy not to) washing and scrubbing and spraying and vacuuming and picking clumps of leaves and pollen out of the nooks and crannies of the trunk.  i’m so glad i finally have a clean car again, but i’m really not sure why i waited until it feels like summer (HOT) and why in the world was i wearing jeans?! ew.

also, another confession, i’ve switched out my back license plate to a florida tag, since my california tag expired in january, it had to be done.  but since california requires a front license plate and florida doesn’t, that one hasn’t been removed yet.  so, from the back my car is all florida, and from the front it’s still claiming the west coast.

even my car doesn’t yet feel settled… and we can so relate.

marissa moss photography flower

oh, hi


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