December 19, 2009

SOOC disclaimer

that´s an accronym for Straight Out Of Camera.
i didn´t make it up; it´s used quite frequently all over the web. 
as in, “see this beautiful edited image (insert beautiful edited image here), well is started out like this SOOC (insert unedited, drabby image here)!” 
you see, the sooc image is just for comaparisons sake.  just to show how amazing the edit was.
or, maybe someone takes an image that needs virtually no post processing work, and they´ll brag, “that there is sooc (insert beautiful, unedited, sooc image here)!”
but alas, i didn´t fit a computer loaded with photoshop in my backpack, so every image from now until march of next year is sooc. 
and not because they are so perfect, but because it is sooc images or no images.  and something is better than nothing, certianly.
i know most of you dont care.  and 90% of you don´t look at the pictures here and think, man that could have been great IF only it could have have a curves adjustment and a color balance tweak.  but i do, and i´m sure a few others do as well.
so, this is the disclaimer:
for all of the pictures that have been posted on this trip so far, and all the ones to come.  they are straight out of the camera, and likely not something i would show if i had the oportunity to process them.  but i don´t, so they´ll be shown as is.
hopefully next year, once reunited with my favorite software program of all eternity, i´ll have time to go back and make some of them into the photographs they should be. 
but, many, many of them will forever be sooc.

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