August 24, 2010

Q & A

there’s a place called formspring where you can ask annoymous (or not annoymous) questions and get answers to silly or serious stuff.  or, like me, you can not ask or answer anything but just read the Q&A’s of others.  🙂

i’ve been on formspring for a quite a while (probably almost a year now) and really love it.

just thought i would share about it.  i don’t follow a lot of people but i really enjoy all of the ones that i do.

here is who i read:

bobby earle (wedding photographer in san diego)

fresh art (baby and family photograper duo and moms in st. louis)

tara whitney (family photographer in orange county)

simply bloom (wedding photographer duo in huntsville, alabama)

and lastly, kendi lea (fashion blogger of kendieveryday – and really cute girl – in small town texas)

people ask all kinds of questions.  mostly related to the blogs and businesses of the poeple i follow, but also totally off the wall too. like, “where did you meet your husband?” or “i like that pillow i saw on your couch, where did you get it?”

i guess it’s just voyeristic in a way, so i like it, but it’s also really informative!

you can find my formspring here, and you’ll see it’s pretty much the world’s most boring formspring ever.  but maybe we can liven it up, eh?

and just so this post isn’t as boring as my formspring page… here’s a picture of meeka posing in front of our new shower curtain. 🙂

<a href=”” title=”meekaandshowercurtain by Marissa Moss, on Flickr”><img src=”” width=”538″ height=”900″ alt=”meekaandshowercurtain” /></a>

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  1. Ooh i’ll try to think of stuff to liven it up Mariss! Also, I love fresh art and kendieveryday. They have such great, fun work + she is super cute.


over on the gram....