April 13, 2010

poor baby kinley

when we came home from niece madison’s big first birthday party (more on that later in the week!) we walked in the door and were greeted by a happy wiggly dog, always a good thing…  but it should have been dogS.  we have two, and only meeka was there jumping all over us and licking our hands (because our dogs have horrible manners) but kinley was MIA – and she is ALWAYS there.

our younger dog, mckinley, wasn’t at the door to welcome us home but rather sitting in her crate (her favorite place to be), wagging her tail, but not getting up.  i tried to coax her out, but she wasn’t going to budge, so i crawled in to get her and as soon as i lifted her up she yelped in pain!

i noticed her belly felt tight so i thought it was some kind of stomach issue and we went into our vet first thing this morning when they opened at 8am.

$350, anesthesia, and x-rays told us that she’s injured a disk in her spine.  the tight belly was really just her tensing her muscles to try to stablize her back.  poor little baby dog.  she probably hurt it trying to jump off something at least 4 times her height, as she tends to do, with her short little stubby legs.

we now have her doped up on two different pain killers and a muscle relaxer and have orders from the vet to keep her from jumping or running for 2 to 6 weeks. we’ll see how that goes…

tomorrow we’re going to go to target to try to buy her some little doggy stairs so she can get in and out of out bed.

we are going to be those people.  oy.

marissa moss photography mckinley


(i have been looking for that “R” everywhere!)

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  1. whitney says:

    Poor Kin! Where is the injured disk? I am trying desperatly to find it…..

  2. marissa moss says:

    no idea how to find it. the vet said it looked okay to him too until he was able to compare them to her x-rays she had done in february before her surgery. 🙂

  3. Davian says:

    poor little kinley I hope that she feels better

  4. erica says:

    awww mc k….today’s been a sad dog day, starting w/my sis having to put their precious black lab to sleep :.( i’ll miss her so, give your doggies a hug for me.

  5. alexis says:

    poor puppy, hope she feels better soon!

  6. Carrie says:

    sad, sad puppy day…but…
    I have to say your comment about the “R” caught me off guard and got a good laugh (out loud) from me. 🙂 Miss that sense of humor so much! <>


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