we don´t have an itenerary laid out for the whole trip (as much as i wish that we did).
in all the hustle and bustle of moving and packing and all that we just ran out of time!
so we are just trying to put one together as we go.
so this is what i know, as far as i know:
this is our last night in buenos aires
tomorrow night, at 7:40pm, we get on a bus headed toward puerto iguazu, which will arrive at 12:15pm the next day…. yeah… do the math. it´s a loooong ride.
we´ll spend sunday afternoon and evening, and monday morning in iguazu
monday afternoon, at 3:10pm, we get back on the bus to head back to buenos aires (don´t feel too bad about these long stretches. i think we´ll be quite comfortable.)
we´ll get back into buenos aires on tuesday, at 8:15am. we´ll have a few hours to kill some time, eat lunch, etc…
then, at noon, we´ll get a ferry (just a 1 hour ride) over to colonia de sacramento, uruguay
well stay in uruguay that night, before heading back to buenos aires (one last time) late on wednesday, at 9:30pm.
we´ll get into buenos aires around 10:30pm and will have an hour until our bus to mar del plata, argentina (a beach town on the eastern coast of argentin, south of buenos aires) leaves at 11:30pm.
we´ll arrive in mar del plata 5-6 hours later at around 5am, probably exhausted!
but we plan to stay in mar del plata for a few days (at least 3) to slow down a bit, rest up and get ready to head further down south into patagonia!
so that´s the plan for the next few days!
sorry i dont have more to offer. mulitple people have emailed asking for our itenerary and i wish i had one to share.
maybe the multiple 17 hour bus rides will speed the process along!
in other news, we had a wonderful lunch today in puerto madero at cabana las lilas.
it was really good, and a huge meal! it also featured the best creamed corn i´ve ever had in my life.
it was also more that our whole daily budget! eeek.
it was also more that our whole daily budget! eeek.
so tonight we headed to the supermarket near our hostel to procure a cheap dinner. for about $4 (US) we bought a bag of lays potato chips, a roll of oreos, a package of crackers, two yogurts, a coke, and a sprite.
once we had it all back in our room and laid out, i was laughing at us for buying 4 american brands out of the 7 items purchased.
however, i´m here to inform you that oreos in argentina are not even close to oreos in america. they tasted exactlty like knock-off oreos, and not at all like the real things. bummer.
however, the lays classic chips were exactly as we expected.
sprite tastes a little different, and coke tastes a lot different (which was expected).
the day we left atlanta to come to buenos aires we went on the (new and improved) coca cola museum tour and it´s weird that they have this how big hoopla about one of the things that makes coke so great is that it is the same everywhere you go.
but it´s not.
it was not the same in europe, it is not the same here, and anyone who has lived in la can tell you mexican coke is a thing of it´s own. some resturants in la even sell both, side by side, because they are different.
yesterday i was trying to buy a piece of cake. there were all these desserts laid out in a case that looked delicious. there was one that looked like angelfood cake, except it was wetter, like more pudding-y, but super light. so hard to explain, but it looked good. i was trying to ask the man behind the counter what it was, but when he was answering, i had no idea what he was saying. he was probably using way too many words that i don´t even remotely know to describe this dessert that looked like nothing i remotely know (knew). in an effort to try to help me in my own language he asked me, if i was from brazil or italy.
the moral of this story being, i was very proud that my accent didn´t sound immediately noticable as american (which i imagine in my head to be awful). even if i didn´t have the vocab to back it up.
another moral of the story: the cake pudding dessert was purchased and was really good.
last night, as i was reading a book in bed, i glaced over at my hand as i was turning a page or something and saw – holey moley – hives!
now, i do not have sensitive skin. i rarely get rashes, and i have only had hives one other time in my life. but they came out of nowhere, covered my hands and my forearms.
i have two suspects.
one: the lotion.
i put lotion on my hands and arms just an hour before the appearance of said hives. so this would be the obvious culprit. except that i used the lotion every night for the last 4 nights. but i guess still this has to be the reason. the lotion was thrown out.
two: the anti-itch cream
could it be the anti-itch cream i applied liberaly and very frequently all through yesterday? the tube said to only use it 3-4 times a day, and i used it way, way more. i would have followed the directions, if the bites had stopped itching! but they were itching like CRAZY so i kept applying more cream every hour or so. buuuut, i never put it all over my hands and forearms… so i think the signs point to the lotion. but just to be safe, the anti-itch cream was thrown out as well. (it didn´t work anyways.)
the hives are going down, but are still there. ick. i took a picture of them this morning when they weren´t as bad as last night, but much worse than right now. buuut, i dont have my camera on me at the moment. maybe i´ll post that later.
or maybe not. i mean, it´s a picture of my hands covered in bumps. not cute.
yesterday two men seemed to have a bet going on where we were from (this is before talking to us). they seemed unsurprised that i was una americana, but the older man (clearly the one who lost the bet) was shocked to hear michael was not an argentine. i think it´s the beard.
sorry no pictures this post, but i´m thinking the last post´s images could count for both this one and that one since i put up so many! 🙂
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