July 22, 2009

our names are marissa and michael and we have a confession

…we do not eat appropriately.
we understand that once we have children we will actually have to prepare nutritious meals consistently, but until that time, we just don’t.

granted, sometimes we do!
but sometimes we don’t…

in a nutshell, we eat what we want when we want it. we eat cereal for dinner a LOT. we eat breakfast in general for dinner a LOT. eggs can be had at any meal.

as an example, here’s a recent dinner:
that’s a banana pancake and with powdered sugar. yum. oh, and this was had at 11:30pm.

meanwhile breakfast might be pasta.. or french fries… or both.

i blame all of this of michael’s work schedule.
he often doesn’t get home until 10:30 or 11pm. and by that time, who wants to make an actual meal? not me. and not him.

admitting your problem is the first step.

and speaking of eating a whole lot of crap… we are going to the fair today!! : )

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