we finally got a rug for the living room and NO ONE was more excited than meeka! we didn’t know she had wanted a rug so badly until we rolled it out and she went crazy for it. by the time i went and got my camera she was starting to wind down, but you can still see how hyper she is. this coming from a dog who 10 minutes before had been sleeping the day away.
mckinley, on the other hand, her happiness was a big more understated. i’m pretty sure she thinks meeka is nuts. and sometimes i have to agree.
meeka and the new rug from marissa moss on Vimeo.
a couple friends have been asking to see the condo progress and i’ve been promissing a blog post on it for weeks!
we still have a WAYS to go, but tomorrow i will post pictures of how it’s coming along so far!
I’d be pretty stoked with that cool rug, too!
Meeka can finally dig her claws into the floor and not slide around! i’d be excited too! hehe … very cute video.