
i work so close to moca that it was surprising that in two years i’d never been.
this visit was entirely my idea but michael went along with it nicely.

michael does not like modern art. not at all. at least not this kind of modern art. the kind a 7 year old could churn out. i understand his point. much of it is quite ridiculous, but i always like seeing it anyway. maybe i just like the act of wandering museums and you could throw anything on the walls and i’d look at it, and read the sign, and look at it again, and then walk on to the next.

but this practice alone is frustration to michael. his rule is that my feet need to always be moving, i can look all i want, but i have to keep walking… which really means i can’t look all i want…

i go into it knowing if i want michael to come it means we will not be staying more than an hour. if i want to spend more than an hour at a museum, then i’ll be going with different company. so that’s fine.

i think its hereditary. no one in his family would like to spend more than an hour in a museum. they can get through a museum faster than you can eat a cup of gumbo. although, to be fair, i think his parents could enjoy spending more time wandering, but they are out numbered, so that is that.

in my family the tables are more balanced. my mother and i would gladly spend a 1/2 day in a museum, my brothers would be happy to adhere to the hyman-museum-plan-of-action, but my dad could probably spend a week in a really good museum, going back each morning and leaving each night when the lights are dimmed.

anyways, we finally got over to see moca and since i had micahel in tow, and therefore my feet weren’t allowed to stop moving, we were in and out and sitting in a delicious steak house within an hour. truly hyman inspired.


here is michael’s museum technique in action.

keep it moving… keep it moving…




…but if there’s one thing that can stop michael in his tracks, it’s a circle of televisions…

…but not for long…

and now i leave you with this:

and also, this:

oh, hi


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