January 21, 2011


yesterday, meeka, kinley, and i had the fun of puppy-sitting my sister-in-law’s new little lily girl.
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of course i spent the first hour watching her explore every inch of our living room and taking lots of pictures instead of working…
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mmmm… library books.

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meeka and kinley were very curious (and a bit terrified, at times) of her goings-on as well.
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when lily was sufficiently worn out, i made her a little towel nest next on my desk so i could keep an eye on her while working.
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going, going, gone.
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she slept right there, curled up next to my keyboard, for well over two hours.
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(the black and white is supposed to distract you from how messy my desk is.  did it work?)

…i think someone may have been  a  little a lot jealous…
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  1. Whitney says:

    I want to hug and kiss her!!! She is sooooooo darn cute!

  2. […] to reminisce? lilysitting lily and the yogurt cup posted in dogs . family . my […]


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