kendi everyday

a new (to me) blog i’m loving:

she dresses adorably and blogs everyday about her outfit. wouldn’t knowing it was going to go on a blog be such motivation to dress up cute everyday?! although, with this girl, i have a feeling she’s adorable even on days she’s not posting, and even probably has charming pj’s on as she’s tucked in bed each night.

meanwhile, i am writing this in my own pajamas which are not so charming… in fact they were plucked from a close friend’s give-away pile (name withheld to protect the innocent) still wrapped with a ribbon and all tags on, never opened or worn since being received from some well intentioned grandmother or great aunt, since no married 20-something in their right mind would wear such matching-matchiness.

i was there at her house, going through her give-aways (i am an excellent receiver of give-aways in general), with another give-away-gettin’ friend when the offending pj’s were discovered and everyone laughed and said, “hah.  who would wear these?!”  and then the eyes turned my way, and without discussion (or protest) they were tossed into my lap (as a 1/2 joke) and i took them home and wore them (as a 1/2 joke) – even my mother laughed when she saw them… and yet they are sooo comfortable and i keep putting them on!  even michael’s dead-pan “oooh. lucky me” comment, upon seeing them for the first time, wasn’t enough to deter me. 🙂

so, yes, i’m wearing them now:  a matching set consisting of pj pants (black with bright pink words written all over, such as ‘sweet dreams’ and ‘shut eye’ and nap time’, and – of course – flowers and stars thrown in for good measure) and a matching top (a black cotton shirt with a hot pink collar and three buttons, embroidered with pastel flowers and the words “sleeping beauty” written in loopy, girlish handwriting).  i kid you not.  they’re hideous, and ridiculous, and age-inappropriate, and soft, and warm, and comfortable.

kendi would be appalled.

oh, hi


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