i know i have been a bad, bad blogger lately but our days have been just packed!
we have been trying to cram in last minute things we have waited 2 YEARS to get around to into our last week here! that is in addition to lots of dinners and lunches with friends and of course the packing. oh the packing. the packing stinks. our apartment literally looks like it was hit by a tornado. nothing is where it used to be and everything is where it is least likely to be found.
we have also been selling stuff on criags list, which means we no longer have a coffee table, or a desk, or some of our other storage pieces, which just makes things even more disastrous!
but is only for a few more days (days which i’m sure will fly by) so i’ll stop complaining now. at least to you. i will continue to complain to michael… and he to me… it’s just unavoidable.
soooo anyways, on to better things!!
remember baby isaac??
there he was then, at 2 weeks old.. and here he is now, all grown up at three months!
with mom and dad (carlyna & will):
his face cracks me up in this one 🙂
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