July 2, 2009


introducing… THE WEBSITE

i have been quietly working on this and wanted to keep it under wraps until it was completely finished, but is anything ever really completely finished??
and also, my husband’s mouth is even BIGGER than it looks (hard to believe, i know)… so people are finding out left and right anyways. so i figured i might as well come out with it.


so there it is. let me know what you think.
it’s still coming together, but it’s almost there…

and as i find more willing victims i’ll update the pictures as we go. but for now, you’ll probably recognize 90% of the images from appearing on this blog.
sorry about that. hope it doesn’t bore you too badly.

also, there’s a pricing section, which may weird you out. i feel strange about i too. i do.
but i’ve been practicing a lot, and reading a ton, and i’d like to move in that direction.
so, i’m starting low and jumping in.

meanwhile, i’ve set a number in my head of how many session i’d like to have completed before beginning to actually charge and i’m not there yet. meaning, while the pricing is listed, it’s not in effect until i can find 3 more people/couples/families to let me photograph them for FREE.
and, oh boy, you would be suprised how not easy this is. it’s a weird thing.

what makes me feel a little better is that apparently it’s not uncommon. i’ve heard it said from multiple people who made the leap to professional and they too had a darn hard time giving away sessions before they began charging (and even afterward too!). people are just understandably suspicious of getting something for nothing. so, i just need to scrape together 3 more free sessions and then pricing will officially go into effect!

soooooooooooo, anyone out there want one of the free sessions?
hello? anyone? anyone? bueller?

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over on the gram....