December 14, 2009

iguazu falls – part 1

we are here in puerto iguazu, in argentina, and as close to brasil as we are going to get (on this trip).
we went and toured the falls yesterday, and they were amazing.
there is a quote in our guide book that says the first time eleanor rooselvelt laid eyes on the iguazu falls she exclaimed, “poor niagra!”
it was a pefect, blue sky day, and i took many pictures to shrare, but this computer am i sitting in front of (in a hot, hot internet cafe in the small town of puerto iguazu) wont let me upload my pictures.  so, this is part one, of two parts, since the next chance i get i´ll be putting up the pictures!
our 17 hour bus ride was not bad at all.
better for michael than for me, but even for me, it was fine.
michael is a sleeper on all things moving.  put him in a plane/train/automobile and he will sleep.
he ate his provided dinner with a coke (leaded) and fell right to sleep afterward (at around 11pm) and slept through the night.
meanwhile, i had wine with dinner, then took two tylenol pm (come to think of it, probably shouldnt mix those…), read books, listened to the most sleep inducing music i could come up with on our ipod (norah jones – 2 whole cds worth), after that failed, i exchanged the ipod for earplugs, wore an eyemask, and just laid there trying to think of sleepy things…. all in an effort to fall asleep… which i finally did around 2:30am.  ugh.
but even so, i woke up for the served breakfast, around 8am, and then we went back to sleep (easily this time) for a few more hours, and by the time the bus arrived in puerto iguazu, at noonish, we were both well rested enough to do three (easy) hikes around the falls.
i´d describe them for you, but the pictures are better.  so those will come soon.
maybe tomorrow…
today we get back on an overnight bus, back to buenos aires, and then have 3 hours to kill before we´ll get on a ferry to colonia del sacramento, uruguay. 
also, i updated the map on the right, in case you want to see where exactly iguazu falls is in the world.

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