January 25, 2011

ian & lauren * st. petersburg engagement photographer

neither micahel nor i can ever remember a time that we didn’t know ian and his family.

i grew just blocks from their family and used to play with ian’s sister, kate.  i remember her giving me my first ever viewing of the wizard of oz on their couch when we were just little girls.

michael grew up best friends with ian.  coincidentally, michael’s younger sister, stacy, and ian’s siter, kate, are the best of friends too.  and ian’s mother and michael’s mother, yeah, they are best friends as well.  they are a friendly family, i suppose. 🙂

we can’t wait for ian and lauren’s philadelphia wedding in april!!!!!!!!!
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love, love, love these three!
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these and more, over on facebook!
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  1. Cristina says:

    I love these photos, such a darling couple!!


over on the gram....