one of the first that started a-dreamin’ was netta. maybe partly because she was at a very architect-y architecture firm and just wasn’t getting to be as creative as she could be… or should be. but also because she was feeling very pulled toward graphic design before we even made it out the door with our interior design degrees… but once you are in interiors (at least at uf) you are pretty much married to interiors and it would be a very long and messy divorce to get out and start over.
so, netta got herself a design job like the rest of us but really wished she was doing something different. and in the meantime she was planning a big fat greek/jewish wedding so she had a lot on her plate… and then… the baaaaaaad economy hit hard. especially the design community. lay-offs-galore, and sadly (but not really that sadly) netta was one of the many, many designers to lose their job late 2008/early 2009. no one likes to lose their job – but when it’s a job you’re not that happy in AND you have a mile long to-do list for a very quickly approaching wedding, the mourning was short lived.
so, netta set out to find a new job, a job she loved and amidst a horrible job market and carrying a degree that didn’t quite match the end-goal-career, she found a GREAT job and has completely flourished! such a happy ending … or rather, a beginning.
netta is also a wonderful writer, one who commits far less spelling and grammatical errors than i, and she writes a weekly post for the invitation consultant’s blog. you should read them! and sometimes she even uses my pictures on the blog, which is extra exciting! add it to your google reader. and then you should leave her nice comments on them and make her look good at work — as if they aren’t already loving her enough!
anyyyyyyyyyways, the whole prompting of this i-love-netta-post was because just today a first look at the preston bailey invites, in collaboration with her company, was unveiled on right HERE!
aren’t they so pretty/fun/colorful??
just like someone i know…..
side note: netta’s ‘real’ name is antoinette. but to me, and everyone else from school, she is netta… despite the fact that she finds it strange. she was never called netta before in her life until the age of 18, so I see why it’s still weird to her (and to her family, and her friends from home, etc.. they all think it’s weird) but that is how she was introduced to me, and it wasn’t until much later, once we were good friends, and after i’d called her netta every day that i’d known her, that she informed me that someone in our class just made that up one day and started introducing her to others with that name! she thought it was so random, but by then it was too late. to me, she is netta. 100%.
or sometimes she is ‘fetta netta’ – when she is extra greek.
like when she dances to yanni.
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