July 16, 2010

home tour: part 3 (the mess!)

the last and final installation of the current state of our home is such a lame ending, i’m sure.  it’s hard to put effort into the areas least seen by visitors when the main “public” rooms still need to be pulled together.  so, as you’ll see, the bedroom and office are SO neglected!

the worst of all is the office, which is silly since this is where i spend 90% of my waking hours while home.  i sit right now at the desk you see here, surrounded on all sides by this disorganization and mess!  a lot of the clutter is stuff we can’t get rid of, but just haven’t found a home for yet.  the other half is stuff we can (and will) get rid of, but just haven’t gotten around to actually ridding ourselves of it.

all in due time…
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i only have one picture of the office… but really, does it leave you wishing for more?  no.
(also, michael’s desk is not-so-much desk, but mores0, a folding banquet table.  he complains daily.)

lastly, is our bedroom which probably looks more like a guestroom with all of its barrenness.
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hopefully, next time we post about our home, it will be much improved… but for now, this is how it stands.
seriously…. SO boring. it puts me to sleep just looking at it. but maybe that is a good thing? it is a room for sleeping.
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i think this is the only thing that we love it the room. it’s a GIANT mirror. not sure what that says about us…
but as soon as my mom saw it, she asked where she could fit one in her house. so, maybe my love of really big mirrors is genetic?
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here you will see:
a headboard we both hate (michael wants to replace it, i want to paint or cover it)… a basket of laundry, which is a re-occurring theme since we haven’t had a working dryer for over a month (!)… a pile of extra pillows that need to find a home, but in the meantime, kinley likes to sleep on them like she’s the princess of the princess and the pea… and the 2nd saddest excuse for a bedside.
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what is the most sad excuse for a bedside, you ask…..
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  1. erica says:

    After every photo, I went, “awwww…”, hah! You’ll get there, Marmo! It’s not like you don’t have enough on your plate!

  2. Davian says:

    Just remember greatness takes a little time, Rome wasn’t built in a day

  3. Erin says:

    i have a love for big mirrors as well 🙂


over on the gram....