July 4, 2009

happy fourth of july!

happy 4th of july to everyone and especially to michael as this would mark out 9th dating anniversary. maybe being married means we dont get to aknowledge this anymore? but i’m going to anyways, because 9 years is a long time! how long you ask? long enough that we used to look like this! eeek!

and by this time we’d already been together for a year or so.
i’m thinking carson and zane (my brothers, standing on either side of me) aren’t going to be too thrilled about this picture, but really no one looks worse than i do, so whatever.
apparently back in 2001 i was 15 lbs heavier, michael was 15 lbs lighter and carson and zane were 15 years younger. …or at least we all looked it.

happy 4th!

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