July 18, 2009

happy 24th kayla!

so a few weeks ago i got this email from my friend kayla regarding her (then) upcoming birthday:
“i don’t really want presents, but i was wondering if you
could send me a really beautiful picture i can blow up on canvas
as my present. i need something that feels alive.”

as soon as i read “alive” i thought of these photos i had just fallen in love with a few weeks prior. i had been thinking about them for days and as soon as i read kayla’s email i knew i wanted to play with that idea.

my next thought was of blair. blair is kayla’s best friend, and really, that is a huge understatement. if anyone should be hanging in kay’s apartment, it shoud be blair. plus blair is really beautiful, and beautiful was one of kayla’s specific requests.

so kayla, here they are. i hope you find them beautiful and alive, and that they will make you happy. happy birthday (a day late) and i will see you so soon when we meet at blair’s house on the water with netta there too and you teach me how to tye dye and we swim in the big, big pool and pretend we all still live in the same state all the time.




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