we are definitely not in los angeles any more….
we went to the drugstore today to buy some office supplies, with every inch of my life so disorganized right now, i had the overwhelming need to have a binder, page dividers, and sheet protects so at least my paper world can be inline.
after i picked out my stuff i turned around, and right there, in the school supplies aisle was this:
and here is a better look at that top shelf:
all i could think was that we are really, for sure, no longer in LA.
and also, who even though of the idea to sell this stuff in this place?
and then, who decided they should be displayed next to the pens and pencils. so random.
…but on the upside, we found these guys at the cash registers. certainly a more welcome sign that we are back home. 🙂
(all pictures from the blackberry)
how much is real gator going for these days?
Like I always say there are donghuts and then there’s Krispy Kreme