as the condo is coming to completion (wood floors going in tomorrow! appliances on thrusday! counter tops in friday! ) i’ve been dreaming of ways to fill it. meaning, now, more than ever, i so miss domino magazine. RIP, sweet domino.
luckily, some kind soul compiled images from the dearly departed decorating digest into a flickr gallery found: here.
awesome. not as awesome as if the magazine still existed – but still a nice find.
eye candy from the domino flickr group:
so… anyone have a suggestion of a domino-esque magazine to fill this void in my heart??
ME! ME! ME! I do. I share the void in your heart. Le sigh. Have you read Lonny Mag? It’s online. It’s amazing. It’s Domino-esque : Elle Decor is nice too…not as DIY as Domino felt, but still nice for ideas. Crying inside as I look at your photos…….. 😉