baby charlie turned one year old on saturday and was celebrated with a sweet airplane themed birthday party!
i can’t believe he is one because i really feel like he should be turning 2! this past year was one of the longest of my life. every one year mark we’ve hit lately seems be for something that happened so, so much longer than one year ago.
on the day charlie was born michael and i were taking a weekend away from out normal lives living and working in LA to go camping in the sequoia national forrest. i blogged about it here and here.
that weekend just feels like it had to be a years and years ago! pretty much every single thing about our lives now is completely different than it was a year ago. some parts are better and some parts are not but all of it is from decisions we made, so no complains here.
but i’m so glad that this year has crawled by and that we’ve been able to really experience, enjoy, and remember all that has happened. we’ve sold almost everything we owned, left our home that we loved in los angeles, moved across country, traveled for thee wonderful months through south america, settled into tampa after ripping apart our condo down to the subfloor and putting it back together, started a new career (for me) and job hunted until the cow came home (michael). except we are still waiting for the dumb cows to hurry up and come home. (i.e. michael is still job hunting. sigh.)
so i’m glad that this year has wandered by slowly despite the fact we flet we’ve been racing through it.
i’m sure anne and dave (charlie’s parents) wish it were the same for them. but when i asked anne if it had felt like the longest year ever, she said no. that is seems like charlie was born just yesterday.
happy birthday to charlie!
…and found these cute little candle holders to match perfectly.
all of these and a couple more are on the facebook page!
Adorable!!! Happy Birthday Charlie!
charlie is so precious!