Category Archives: personal & micellaney

BBQ sandwich

the other day we were downtown and hungry. i wanted a sandwich but michael wanted bbq. however, he had to agree, the bbq place in downtown la is not good. at least on the one chance i gave it to be good, it was not. maybe there’s somewhere better, but we didn’t know of any...

TBTT – room 4 rent

you know how kids joke that when they go to college their parents are going to rent out their room…? well, my dad really did. he really rented my room out.he rented it out to a 35-ish year-old construction worker named jerry. also, when jerry had been living in my room for over a year...

electric feel

michael and i have pretty much completely different tastes in music and rarely like the same things. maybe 15% of the time we will agree, the other 85% of the time we cannot even stand to listen to the other’s picks. other differences: i pretty much always, always buy complete albums; michael prefers singles. i...

CSA saturday

picked up our csa box today. here is our refrigerator before… and after…mmm, much better. and there’s a squash & tomotao party going on over on the counter… today there was also a stack of free edible los angeles magazines on the porch with the csa boxes and we took one home. in this magazine...

a concert hall & a cathedral

we have this list of things we’ve been wanting to do here in LA and two years later some are still on the list. when i woke up tuesday morning i knew by end of day we would have something crossed off. my first plan was the getty villa. despite going to the getty center...

oh, hi


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