Category Archives: personal & micellaney

SOOC disclaimer

sooc. that´s an accronym for Straight Out Of Camera. i didn´t make it up; it´s used quite frequently all over the web.  as in, “see this beautiful edited image (insert beautiful edited image here), well is started out like this SOOC (insert unedited, drabby image here)!”  you see, the sooc image is just for comaparisons...

a day in uruguay

colonia de sacramento, uruguay is a small little town on the coast and just an hour ferry ride awauy from buenos aires. we spent our time just wandering around the “old town” and fending off the crazy mosquito population. the streets are tree lined with the best trees a tree lined street could have.  they...

iguazu falls, in pictures

finally back witht the pictures of the falls! our day at the falls was basically filled with all things good. such as: waterfalls, rainbows, and butterflies. and all three in great numbers. this butterfly just landed on my hand when i wasn´t even paying attention. and then stayed long enough to take a picture. the...

iguazu falls – part 1

we are here in puerto iguazu, in argentina, and as close to brasil as we are going to get (on this trip). we went and toured the falls yesterday, and they were amazing. there is a quote in our guide book that says the first time eleanor rooselvelt laid eyes on the iguazu falls she...

plans. coke. cake. hives. bets.

we don´t have an itenerary laid out for the whole trip (as much as i wish that we did). in all the hustle and bustle of moving and packing and all that we just ran out of time! so we are just trying to put one together as we go. so this is what i...

oh, hi


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