Category Archives: personal & micellaney

in ushuaia

one more ushuaia post, and then we`ll move on, okay? we took a landrover tour to see some more of the area in a fun way. pretty views and rough riding. all fun. literally, over-the-river-and-through-the-woods (this is beaver damage. they introduced beavers here from canada in the 70´s or so, and guess what…. bad idea…...

the tierra del fuego

we took a bus to the national park right outside of town, to the tierra del fuego. we started at the southern most post office in the world, to send postcards to family and get our passports stamped.  it seems these two things are the little huts only purpose in life. here it is perched...

to ushuaia

traveling to ushuaia, argentina is not the easiest thing in the world to do, and especially not by road. it is now possible to fly to the southern most city in the world, but not cheaply and since we are so bus-rific lately we didn`t even really consider it. we left punta arenas, chile in...

the dogs

we are back in the land of connectivity in bariloche, argentina!! i have so much to post, but i´m going to be really annoying and break the cities in to separate entries and schedule them to post over the next few days. i have lots of time right now since michael is at the hotel...

in the boonies

just posting to say `hi`! hanging out in patagonia can mean not-so-great internet connections, so i haven´t been able to get any photographs uploaded for days!  and without pictures, i figured whats the use of posting? but here i am anyways, posting without pictures.  lame, i know. hopefully we´ll have some good internet soon, but...

oh, hi


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