remember a while back when i shot this table setting for the fab blog of invitation consultants? well, after that shoot, i was invited back a few days later to do a similar shoot but this time with the purpose of becoming their ad in brides magazine! …a few months later, and it’s on the...
although it suuuuure does still feel a whole lot like summer here, there is really no calling NOVEMBER summertime! so let’s look back and reminisce about the good ‘ol days of summer 2010, shall we? it’s election day so cast your vote for one of these summer sessions! tell me who your favorite is in...
i’ve scoured the internet, high and low, to find a set of absolutely adorable cards to offer you this year! i love them all, i really do. i hope you’ll find style you love that fits your family and all of your friends will cheer when they receive your smiling faces on one of these...
a start of a new week and a new to do list. each week i write out “M, T, W, R, F, S, Sn” and write out a list of to do items for each day. i don’t know why i don’t write my to-dos in my planner, but i don’t. i think it would...