April 27, 2010

ben. madison. ruby. * tampa baby photography

about a year ago, my sister-in-law, melissa, and her two good friends, jenna & erin, all had their first baby within months of each other.

baby madison for melissa, baby ben for erin, and baby ruby for jenna.

although jenna lives in boston, she gets down to tampa quite often to visit her family and friends, and enable their three children to know each other from babyhood on…

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ben entertaining his lady-friends:
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more pictures over on the facebook group!

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  1. s h e r r y says:

    Haha, they are so cute!

  2. Erin says:

    love the one where they are checkin’ out ben’s raisins!

  3. Melissa says:

    Love it! They are so cute together!

  4. blair says:

    last photo:
    “ladies? raisins? anyone?”


over on the gram....