July 8, 2010


we bought a couple avocados last week and i didn’t get around to them until yesterday.  when i cut into the first i loved how perfect it was!  so, like any person that cuts into a lovely avocado, i went right away to get my camera to take a picture.  : )

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isn’t that just the most avocado-y avocado? i do believe it could win an alligator pear beauty pageant.

the avocado lent itself to this salad and just looking at it makes me want another.  give me goat cheese and avocado and i am set.  love.

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also, this is my favorite drink in our fridge lately:
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it’s much too expensive, but just so good!  and seriously, i know it looks disgusting!  i know!
it won’t be winning any beauty pagents of its own… but it has a great personality.

marissa moss tampa food photography 4

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  1. Cristina says:

    Where did you buy that lovely avo? Best place in Tampa to buy avocados is Oceanic Supermarket, super gorgeous and the price is excellent, too!



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