June 29, 2010

a tiny party

i can’t even get over how cute of an idea this is for a baby’s first birthday party!

you can read all about it here: the good life (and you should because there are way more pictures than what i have posted).

but for now, i’ll just give you the cliff’s notes version (with all images coming to you from the above linky, with permission)…

it starts with ridiculously cute, tiny invitations…
invite 1

invite 2

invite 3

and then, the cutest little mini foods (and drinks) to follow…
food 1

food 3

food 2
(do you see what is happening here?? those are little baby cupcakes baked into those little tiny paper ketchup cups. i can’t even stand it.)

party 1

and then, little, tiny favors to boot.
favors 1

favors 2

isn’t this all the cutest thing you’ve ever seen? and, yes, i am aware i’ve said cute wayyy too many times in this post, but i really can’t help my self. it’s just cute! c.u.t.e.

for more cuteness…
blogger, caroline armelle, has a tiny party of her own in the works. you can see her take on the tiny (cute) invites and her little (cute) favors, here and here.

when i showed michael these tiny-party-pictures he immediately requested we have a tiny party for our baby’s first birthday!

….which i would totally LOVE to do… except (minor glitch) WE DON’T HAVE A BABY!  what kind of weird, childless poeple, who are not even close to wishing for an offspring yet, sit around and talk of planning a non-existant baby’s first birthday!??

we do!

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