April 30, 2010

happy birthday to meeka!

our first born turned 6 years-old on thursday!  we celebrated with treats from downtown dogs.

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the birthday girl’s plate:
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and her guest of honor’s plate:
marissa moss dog photography 5

they got a little messed up in hot car…
marissa moss dog photography 4

…but i don’t think the girls minded one bit.
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marissa moss dog photography 2

marissa moss dog photography

happy birthday meeka!

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  1. kayla says:

    i’m so glad baby meeka was treated with such delicacies!! if only someone was there to share some ice cream with her!!!

  2. Carrie says:

    i love the shot where they are both just kind of sniffin’ and checkin’ it out…just like babies given their first piece of cake…not to sure what to do, but once they figure it out…watch out!! <3

  3. […] i think she still had a nice day.  she celebrated with some treats from downtown dogs, just like last year.  : ) posted in […]


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