it was cloudy and dreary out all day (and by the end of the day, torrentially down pouring, which i’m still getting reacquainted with after living in los angeles, a.k.a. the land of no rain, for the past few years), but it didn’t matter one bit. today was a wonderful end to a very nice weekend.
yesterday morning i met with melissa (michael’s sister) and her two good friends to photograph their three babies playing together. i’ll be back with those pictures this week!
yesterday evening i had a girls night out in honor of a friend coming in town who i had not seen back in tampa since we all graduated from high school in 2003. (after she left for college, her parents moved to michigan… so tampa has been neglected for quite some time). it was wonderful to see her, and one of those things that helps remind me of why we moved back home.
after getting home late last night from that outing, i let myself sleep in until 10:30am which was glorious. for the past month or so, i’ve been waking up every morning, 7 days a week, at 7:30am (well… that’s when my first alarm goes off, but i usually get up closer to 7:50) so i can get work done before michael wakes up and the errand-athon begins (mostly all condo renovation related). it was nice to just sleep in until i’d had enough sleep to wake up on my own.
this afternoon, michael and i took the dogs on a walk to the water and sat and talked. mostly we talked about what we are going to buy when he gets a job – things big and small… like eye glasses, and shirts and dresses, and desks, and notepads, and more – but also about things we want to do sometime in the future, whenever that may be. for michael, to learn to play the guitar and to fly a plane. for me, to sew more (and to sew well) and learn how to find my way around tampa (without a map or gps). one day…
but the dogs, they have no plans for things to buy or things to learn. they are just happy with things they way things are.
this evening i had dinner with my friend lindsay and a friend of hers who i’d never met, but loved getting to know. after eating till we couldn’t eat any more at ciccio’s, we hung out back at lindsay’s house, in her big bed, in a mountain of warm blankets and the softest pillows, and gossiped.
around 9:45pm lindsay and i realized ice cream was just how the night had to end, so we hurried through the rain and jumped in the car, picked up michael (because he realized the importance of ice cream tonight too), and quick made it to the ice cream shop with just 10 minutes to spare before closing time.
the three of us ate ice cream cones and there was really no where better i could have been.
now the rain is back in full-force (and the thunder too) and it’s time for bed.
tonight, i plan to sleep like a dog … which is to say, happy with things, just the way they are.
M4…glad you are happy with things, just the way they are…in Tampa!