April 18, 2010

blogland links

just some stuff the share from here and there around the blogosphere…

i’m looooving this blog! (and +10 bonus points because her name is marisa)  it’s like julie and julia, but with dresses.  read her “about” section if you’re confused.

need a laugh? … try this.  when i first saw this blog i was on my lunch break at my interior design job in los angeles, sitting at my desk in our office and i about died laughing.  i’m not one to usually uncontrollably laugh without being able to help it, but that is exactly what happened.  and, i vividly remember that is was this picture that put be over the edge.  not to say it’s the funniest picture on the site – but for me, that day, it’s the one that broke the camels back.

love these.  so cute, and so true (if i were to gift you with a bottle of wine).

i read a LOT of photography blogs and it’s not very often that i see something totally new and different…  which is not to say that i don’t see photographs i love a lot all of the time, because i do.  but, when i saw this (second to last picture in the post), i just couldn’t stop thinking about it.  so creative!  it’s on my to-do list, one day….

lastly, a very easy, and minimal-tools-required, crafty project here.

happy rainy sunday!

a picture from yesterday as i headed out to st. pete for a beach day with good friends. 🙂

marissa moss blog to st pete

(image via blackberry)

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  1. Whitney says:

    The second I clicked on the link to Fresh Art Photog I knew what pic it was! I love what she did there!!! You can do it to!

  2. s h e r r y says:

    Oh man! The weather looks SO good! 🙂

    PS. I LOVE your new branding/blog. Super cute!


over on the gram....