August 6, 2009

here i am!

i know i’ve dropped off the face of the earth! but really i didn’t… i just went to tampa and got swallowed in a cloud of humidity and rain and family and friends and lots of food. we just crawled our way out last night and are back in LA, reunited with meeka and mckinley who both almost had literal heart attacks when we showed up last night. to say they almost lost their minds from excitement would be an understatement.

anyways, I have a camera full of pictures from the trip (approx. 1200 of them) so I those will be trickling out as I find time to edit over the next week or two.
highlights include: a tie-dye party with my very good girlfriends, a day at the beach, baby madison in her bikini, a baseball game with michael’s best friend and his girlfriend (brad’s girlfriend; not michael’s…), baby madison’s naming and the dinner afterward, baby madison and her parents at the park, baby madison hanging out at her grandparents’ house.….. etc….

unfortunately the whole “find the time to edit” thing is easier said than done. i have a wreck of an apartment, a suitcase to unpack, laundry to do, i’m super super behind on studying for a test (the NCIDQ) i’m already committed to take (by way of a $750 payment…. UGHHH) in about 7 weeks, and i have two photo shoots this weekend (a brand new baby boy just born last week) and a group of 7 kids all under the age of 6 (both of which, i am very excited about!!).

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