michael and his family aren’t exactly fair goers, to say the least, but he agreed to go with me and he even had fun! being only the second time he’d ever been to a fair in his life he was confused/surprised by things left and right, which was really quite funny.
he was surprised you have to buy tickets to go on rides, even after you pay to get in (luckily we got to by pass the whole ‘pay to get in’ part by just bringing two children’s books to donate), he declined to go in the petting zoo (sadness), was surprised by all of the livestock on hand, was horrified with the arts and crafts showcase (a whole lotta quilting going on in there), and was delighted to see “infomercials in action” in the product showcase hall! he also asked a LOT questions about ‘carnies’ all day. (as if i am the carny expert!) he kept asking, “so are the ride operators carnies? are the food stand people carnies? are the 12 year olds dancing up there carnies?”
… also, i’m pretty sure the word ‘carny’ might be derogatory? not sure.
my apologies if you are a carny and offended. i mean no harm.
what is this you ask?
well it’s a sand sculpture of weird al yankovic holding his brain, of course.
yes, this is an obama quilt. and this is how michael feels about quilts in general.
yeah, i liked this snake because it is our wedding colors. so?
after the fair we went to my friend carrie’s adorable neighborhood in manhattan beach to their adorable house just a skip and a jump from the water to photograph her adorable family (husband brian and adorable 2 year old tyler)! pictures to come!
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