July 13, 2010

our home: part 2 (kitchen & bath)

so, now that you’ve seen the half finished living room and dining room, you can see the two most complete rooms in our place.  but only because kitchen and bathrooms don’t really need all that much stuff to be functional!

as evidenced here, in the kitchen:
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after all of the major work was done (all new cabinets, flooring, counter tops, and appliances!) there wasn’t all that much left that needed to be done. the only “big” kitchen thing on our to-do list is to find an under counter trashcan that will fit under the sink without hitting the plumbing and garbage disposal. we’ve looked all around town and not found one, so the next stop is internet-ville, which should have one, but we just haven’t found the time to make that happen yet. in the meantime, we curse this trash can every day. not because we don’t like it – it’s a perfectly nice one – but because this kitchen is about as small as kitchens come and there is just NO where to put this without it impeding some very basic kitchen function.

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moving on to the bathroom….

we lived without a bathroom mirror for WEEKS before finally grabbing this one from ikea for $30 and calling it a day. i was kind of worried that a wall-hung mirror would be loose on the wall and would come crashing down when someone tried to wipe the steam from it after a shower. however, the hanging hardware on this fine piece of sweedish luxury, is SO sturdy! it really feels like it’s glued to the wall! two thumbs up.

next to the mirror, we hung two canvases of meeka and mckinley that i painted last year (by cheating and painting over photographs i took because i had an urge to paint and then remembered I DON’T KNOW HOW TO PAINT)! we choose the bathroom for them simply because it’s the only wall in the place, that had room to hang a picture or two, that wasn’t painted yellow – a shade of yellow which didn’t look acceptable with the yellow background of these.

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on the opposite wall of the sink, you’ll find our adorably petite toilet and a couple shelves michael’s mom handed down to us and michael put up just a couple days ago. tshatshkes will find their way there eventually, but for now, they are just zen-like (a.k.a., empty).

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the last thing we need in the bathroom is a shower curtain (right now we just have a liner)!  unfortunately, every time i find one i like, it happens to be $40 or more. i have a real moral issue with spending over $25 for a shower curtain.  but maybe i’ll find one i love enough to justify it… or maybe (ideally) i’ll find a cute one for $20.

lastly, just in case you thought home goods hadn’t weaseled it’s way in to the bathroom… that’s where i found these sweet yellow hand towels. 🙂

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  1. erica says:

    Hahah! Homegoods prevails! I love the 1st bathroom shot ’cause you can see the shelves in the mirror and a lil towel 🙂 Same here w/the curtain dilemma :-\


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