July 7, 2010

rain rain rain

rain, please go away!  you are driving me nuts!

rain may be nice when curled up in bed and sleeping in, but not so great for outdoor photography and has resulted in rescheduling and rescheduling.

…and then, of course, the possibility of our newly scheduled rain-check day of getting rained out as well is none too tiny. ughhh.

thankfully, angela and brian were able to brave the elements a bit so we could keep our appointment for a beach session for these two visiting from tennessee.

there are more to come, but it’s somehow already 12:30am …. so just these two for now.  🙂

marissa moss tampa engagement photography

marissa moss tampa engagement photography 2

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  1. erica says:

    so far, so great!

  2. Angela says:

    We LOVE them, Marissa!!! Great job!!! So glad we still had our session with you. You were wonderful! 🙂

  3. Brian says:

    Thanks Marissa! Those are great!

  4. Angel says:

    You guys look sooo gay! LOL!
    Cute Pics!



over on the gram....